Bridgette Breece
848-1200 x 3035
[email protected]
8th grade self contained
math - periods 2 and 6
enVisions Math program
Homework on Mondays and Tuesdays
2 quizzes and 2 tests per marking period
Google Classroom Code: dhr9ja
Prodigy Class code: 16E74C
science - periods 3 and 7
Labaids Science Program
frequent labs and 2 quizzes and 2 tests per marking period
Google Classroom Code: f2j978
social studies - period 5
US History Constitution through the Civil War
classwork, 2 quizzes and 2 tests per marking period
Google Classroom Code: xxhco0i
Need Extra Help?
I'm available most days during
Homeroom, Lunch Recess and Afterschool
by appointment. Just see me to set it up!